NOTICE: THIS WILL ASK YOU TO OVERWRITE PLUGINS FROM THE REQUIRED FILES. Adds keywords for VIS & LM, applies AE's new pack carry weight modding to all packs, conforms all packs to the slot usage standard, and makes all packs craftable at the Armorsmith workbench in the pack menu. Wearable Camo Backpacks by Aldebaran90 and Voivre v1.0, Wearable Postman Shoulder Bag or Backpack by Eferas v1.7, Hubris Comics Shoulder Bags by TotalMeltdown v1.5d & Field Scribe Backpack by jet4571 v1.06 are all required files for the Armorsmith Pact It Up Pack It In file. WARNING: UNEQUIP BACKPACKS BEFORE YOU INSTALL THIS OR YOU CAN GET A CARRY WEIGHT BONUS STUCK ON YOUR PLAYER. FO4 War Tags by Jerros v1.1 assets are needed if you want to mod the jetpack to use it's color swap mods. TAKE NOTICE: NCR Ranger Sequoia by Rakul aka GrindOne assets are needed if you want to mod the revolver harness or 44 pistol on hip into the Ranger Sequoia. Adds new craftable outfits, headgear, gloves, scarves, custom Dogmeat armors, Helmets/Hats With Hair, Under Helmet Flight Cap & BOS/Sack Hoods, Nudifying Rings, Invisible Therm Optics Combat Armor, Pistol & Revolver Harnesses, Katana Belt, a working jetpack, and lots of wearable weapons. There are now 9 different types of mods: clothing protective weave mods, lining mods, outfit add-on mods, headgear add-on mods, glove mods, eyewear mods, therm optics booster mods, carry weight base effect mods, & carry weight modifier mods. Every outfit can now be worn under armor pieces, renamed, and I completely redid the entire clothing modding system from scratch.

I added some updated plugins on the Valdacil's Item Sorting page for clothing and armor that add support for the new Armorsmith clothing protective weave mods, and also the carry weight mods.

REQUIRES Armor & Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) v3.2+.